A high-level view of the book is shown under "Contents at a Glance." Select a chapter title to jump down to the chapter's topics listed in the TOC, or jump to the Table of Contents directly.

Contents at a Glance

  1.   Acknowledgments
  2.   Introduction
  3. Chapter 01 Web Page Building Blocks
  4. Chapter 02 Working with Web Page Files
  5. Chapter 03 Basic HTML Structure
  6. Chapter 04 Text
  7. Chapter 05 Images
  8. Chapter 06 Links
  9. Chapter 07 CSS Building Blocks
  10. Chapter 08 Working with Style Sheets
  11. Chapter 09 Defining Selectors
  12. Chapter 10 Formatting Text with Styles
  13. Chapter 11 Layout with Styles
  14. Chapter 12 Style Sheets for Mobile to Desktop
  15. Chapter 13 Working with Web Fonts
  16. Chapter 14 Enhancements with CSS3
  17. Chapter 15 Lists
  18. Chapter 16 Forms
  19. Chapter 17 Video, Audio, and Other Multimedia
  20. Chapter 18 Tables
  21. Chapter 19 Working with Scripts
  22. Chapter 20 Testing & Debugging Web Pages
  23. Chapter 21 Publishing Your Pages on the Web
  24.   Index

Table of Contents



  1. HTML and CSS in Brief
  2. Progressive Enhancement: A Best Practice
  3. Is This Book for You?
  4. How This Book Works
  5. Companion Web Site

Chapter 1 Web Page Building Blocks

  1. A Basic HTML Page
  2. Semantic HTML: Markup with Meaning
  3. Markup: Elements, Attributes, and Values
  4. A Web Page's Text Content
  5. Links, Images, and Other Non-Text Content
  6. File Names
  7. URLs
  8. Key Takeaways

Chapter 2 Working with Web Page Files

  1. Planning Your Site
  2. Creating a New Web Page
  3. Saving Your Web Page
  4. Specifying a Default Page or Homepage
  5. Editing Web Pages
  6. Organizing Files
  7. Viewing Your Page in a Browser
  8. The Inspiration of Others

Chapter 3 Basic HTML Structure

  1. Starting Your Web Page
  2. Creating a Title
  3. Creating Headings
  4. Understanding HTML5's Document Outline
  5. Grouping Headings
  6. Common Page Constructs
  7. Creating a Header
  8. Marking Navigation
  9. Creating an Article
  10. Defining a Section
  11. Specifying an Aside
  12. Creating a Footer
  13. Creating Generic Containers
  14. Improving Accessibility with ARIA
  15. Naming Elements with a Class or ID
  16. Adding the Title Attribute to Elements
  17. Adding Comments

Chapter 4 Text

  1. Starting a New Paragraph
  2. Adding Author Contact Information
  3. Creating a Figure
  4. Specifying Time
  5. Marking Important and Emphasized Text
  6. Indicating a Citation or Reference
  7. Quoting Text
  8. Highlighting Text
  9. Explaining Abbreviations
  10. Defining a Term
  11. Creating Superscripts and Subscripts
  12. Noting Edits and Inaccurate Text
  13. Marking Up Code
  14. Using Preformatted Text
  15. Specifying Fine Print
  16. Creating a Line Break
  17. Creating Spans
  18. Other Elements

Chapter 5 Images

  1. About Images for the Web
  2. Getting Images
  3. Choosing an Image Editor
  4. Saving Your Images
  5. Inserting Images on a Page
  6. Offering Alternate Text
  7. Specifying Image Size
  8. Scaling Images with the Browser
  9. Scaling Images with an Image Editor
  10. Adding Icons for Your Web Site

Chapter 6 Links

  1. The Anatomy of a Link
  2. Creating a Link to Another Web Page
  3. Creating Anchors
  4. Linking to a Specific Anchor
  5. Creating Other Kinds of Links

Chapter 7 CSS Building Blocks

  1. Constructing a Style Rule
  2. Adding Comments to Style Rules
  3. The Cascade: When Rules Collide
  4. A Property's Value

Chapter 8 Working with Style Sheets

  1. Creating an External Style Sheet
  2. Linking to External Style Sheets
  3. Creating an Embedded Style Sheet
  4. Applying Inline Styles
  5. The Importance of Location
  6. Using Media-Specific Style Sheets
  7. Offering Alternate Style Sheets
  8. The Inspiration of Others: CSS

Chapter 9 Defining Selectors

  1. Constructing Selectors
  2. Selecting Elements by Name
  3. Selecting Elements by Class or ID
  4. Selecting Elements by Context
  5. Selecting Part of an Element
  6. Selecting Links Based on Their State
  7. Selecting Elements Based on Attributes
  8. Specifying Groups of Elements
  9. Combining Selectors
  10. Selectors Recap

Chapter 10 Formatting Text with Styles

  1. Choosing a Font Family
  2. Specifying Alternate Fonts
  3. Creating Italics
  4. Applying Bold Formatting
  5. Setting the Font Size
  6. Setting the Line Height
  7. Setting All Font Values at Once
  8. Setting the Color
  9. Changing the Text’s Background
  10. Controlling Spacing
  11. Adding Indents
  12. Setting White Space Properties
  13. Aligning Text
  14. Changing the Text Case
  15. Using Small Caps
  16. Decorating Text

Chapter 11 Layout with Styles

  1. Considerations When Beginning a Layout
  2. Structuring Your Pages
  3. Styling HTML5 Elements in Older Browsers
  4. Resetting or Normalizing Default Styles
  5. The Box Model
  6. Changing the Background
  7. Setting the Height or Width for an Element
  8. Setting the Margins around an Element
  9. Adding Padding around an Element
  10. Making Elements Float
  11. Controlling Where Elements Float
  12. Setting the Border
  13. Offsetting Elements in the Natural Flow
  14. Positioning Elements Absolutely
  15. Positioning Elements in 3D
  16. Determining How to Treat Overflow
  17. Aligning Elements Vertically
  18. Changing the Cursor
  19. Displaying and Hiding Elements

Chapter 12 Style Sheets for Mobile to Desktop

  1. Mobile Strategies and Considerations
  2. Understanding and Implementing Media Queries
  3. Building a Page that Adapts with Media Queries

Chapter 13 Working with Web Fonts

  1. What Is a Web Font?
  2. Where to Find Web Fonts
  3. Downloading Your First Web Font
  4. Working with @font-face
  5. Styling Web Fonts and Managing File Size

Chapter 14 Enhancements with CSS3

  1. Understanding Vendor Prefixes
  2. A Quick Look at Browser Compatibility
  3. Using Polyfills for Progressive Enhancement
  4. Rounding the Corners of Elements
  5. Adding Drop Shadows to Text
  6. Adding Drop Shadows to Other Elements
  7. Applying Multiple Backgrounds
  8. Using Gradient Backgrounds
  9. Setting the Opacity of Elements

Chapter 15 Lists

  1. Creating Ordered and Unordered Lists
  2. Choosing Your Markers
  3. Choosing Where to Start List Numbering
  4. Using Custom Markers
  5. Controlling Where Markers Hang
  6. Setting All List-Style Properties at Once
  7. Styling Nested Lists
  8. Creating Description Lists

Chapter 16 Forms

  1. Creating Forms
  2. Processing Forms
  3. Sending Form Data via Email
  4. Organizing the Form Elements
  5. Creating Text Boxes
  6. Creating Password Boxes
  7. Creating Email, Telephone, and URL Boxes
  8. Labeling Form Parts
  9. Creating Radio Buttons
  10. Creating Select Boxes
  11. Creating Checkboxes
  12. Creating Text Areas
  13. Allowing Visitors to Upload Files
  14. Creating Hidden Fields
  15. Creating a Submit Button
  16. Using an Image to Submit a Form
  17. Disabling Form Elements
  18. New HTML5 Features and Browser Support

Chapter 17 Video, Audio, and Other Multimedia

  1. Third-Party Plugins and Going Native
  2. Video File Formats
  3. Adding a Single Video to Your Web Page
  4. Exploring Video Attributes
  5. Adding Controls and Autoplay to Your Video
  6. Looping a Video and Specifying a Poster Image
  7. Preventing a Video from Preloading
  8. Using Video with Multiple Sources
  9. Multiple Media Sources and the Source Element
  10. Adding Video with Hyperlink Fallbacks
  11. Adding Video with Flash Fallbacks
  12. Providing Accessibility
  13. Adding Audio File Formats
  14. Adding a Single Audio File to Your Web Page
  15. Adding a Single Audio File with Controls to Your Web Page
  16. Exploring Audio Attributes
  17. Adding Controls and Autoplay to Audio in a Loop
  18. Preloading an Audio File
  19. Providing Multiple Audio Sources
  20. Adding Audio with Hyperlink Fallbacks
  21. Adding Audio with Flash Fallbacks
  22. Adding Audio with Flash and a Hyperlink Fallback
  23. Getting Multimedia Files
  24. Considering Digital Rights Management (DRM)
  25. Embedding Flash Animation
  26. Embedding YouTube Video
  27. Using Video with Canvas
  28. Coupling Video with SVG
  29. Further Resources

Chapter 18 Tables

  1. Structuring Tables
  2. Spanning Columns and Rows

Chapter 19 Working with Scripts

  1. Loading an External Script
  2. Adding an Embedded Script
  3. JavaScript Events

Chapter 20 Testing & Debugging Web Pages

  1. Trying Some Debugging Techniques
  2. Checking the Easy Stuff: General
  3. Checking the Easy Stuff: HTML
  4. Checking the Easy Stuff: CSS
  5. Validating Your Code
  6. Testing Your Page
  7. When Images Don’t Appear
  8. Still Stuck?

Chapter 21 Publishing Your Pages on the Web

  1. Getting Your Own Domain Name
  2. Finding a Host for Your Site
  3. Transferring Files to the Server
