No data was submitted.

"; print ""; exit(); } /* Creates function that removes magic escaping, if it's been applied, from values and then removes extra newlines and returns to foil spammers. Thanks Larry Ullman! */ function clear_user_input($value) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $value=stripslashes($value); $value= str_replace( "\n", '', trim($value)); $value= str_replace( "\r", '', $value); return $value; } /* Create body of email message by cleaning each field and then appending each name and value to it. */ $body ="Here is the data that was submitted:\n"; // Get value for each form field foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $key = clear_user_input($key); $value = clear_user_input($value); if ($key == 'email_signup') { // True if an Email checkbox chosen if (is_array($_POST['email_signup'])) { $body .= "$key: "; $counter =1; foreach ($_POST['email_signup'] as $value) { //Add comma and space until last element if (sizeof($_POST['email_signup']) == $counter) { $body .= "$value\n"; break; } else { $body .= "$value, "; $counter += 1; } } // end foreach } else { $body .= "$key: $value\n"; } } else { // field is not email_signup $body .= "$key: $value\n"; } } // end foreach extract($_POST); /* Get file upload picture name */ if(isset($_FILES['picture'])) { /* This basic script presents the name of the uploaded file only. To check the file size, file type (like JPG, GIF, or PNG), and actually upload a file to a folder, see the video tutorial at The code explained in the video is also available for download from that URL. That page also includes links to a series of videos about using PHP. */ $picture_name = $_FILES['picture']['name']; // make sure name isn't blank if ($picture_name != '') { // add the picture name to the email body message $body .= "picture: $picture_name\n"; } } /* Removes newlines and returns from $email and $name so they can't smuggle extra email addresses for spammers */ $email = clear_user_input($email); $first_name = clear_user_input($first_name); /* Create header that puts email in From box along with name in parentheses and sends Bcc to alternate address. Change to the Bcc email address you want to include. */ $from='From: '. $email . "(" . $first_name . ")" . "\r\n" . 'Bcc:' . "\r\n"; // Creates intelligible subject line that also shows me where it came from $subject = 'New Profile from Web Site'; /* Sends mail to the address below with the form data submitted above. Replace with the email address to which you want the data sent. */ mail ('', $subject, $body, $from); ?>

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